For those of you which need to access by means of “Remote Desktop” you can use :
- Nomachine NX
- Teamviewer
And you can use both LogmeIn Hamachi and VNC. Hamachi is a software which can make network betweeen devices. Against logmein product which lot of you know, here it is at ~~Level2~~ (OSI).
How you create your VPN ?
For Linux users, you must install vnc4server and hamachi (supplied by LogmeIn) package (dpkg is your friend). Then you launch your vnc server :
root@plop# vncserver New 'plop:1 (clucas)' desktop is plop:1 Starting applications specified in /home/clucas/.vnc/xstartup Log file is /home/clucas/.vnc/plop:1.log
Now the VNC server is reacheable by means of 5901 (5900 + 1) port.
Then you can create your VPN network by using hamachi :
root@neptune:~# hamachi -h LogMeIn Hamachi, a zero-config virtual private networking utility, ver usage: hamachi [command] command specifies an action. Can be one of the following - # set-nick login logon logout logoff # list peer network # create [] set-pass [] set-access [lock|unlock] [manual|auto] delete evict # approve reject # join [] do-join [] leave # go-online go-offline # attach attach-net cancel # gw-config [dhcp|static [net ] [domain ] [dns []]] [del ...] [add ...] # set-ip-mode ipv4 | ipv6 | both # check-update vpn-alias |0 If no command is specified, hamachi displays its status including version, pid, client id, online status, nickname and the LogMeIn account root@neptune~# hamachi attach root@neptune~# hamachi join network password root@neptune~# hamachi go-online network
You have now access to your Linux server/desktop from anywhere by means of hamachi’s device :
For mac users (such as me : not a really experimented user), you have a built-in VNC client in MAC from 10.5 MAC OS X.
Go in your finder window > Go > Connect to server > Now you can access to your device by means of : vnc://x.y.z.w:5901 (where 5900 + X display : here :1)
Quel bon tutoriel,facile à comprendre. Merci pour les astuces !