Because I love oldies. Sad it is always true.

$ whois -h POEM-RIPE55-SONG

% Information related to 'POEM-RIPE55-SONG'

descr: At his first RIPE meeting, Gary wrote this and performed at
descr: the closing plenary. It was truly awesome.
text: A long long time ago
text: I can still remember
text: when my laptop could connect elsewhere.
text: And I tell you all there was a day
text: the network card I threw away
text: had a purpose - and it worked for you and me.
text: But 18 years completely wasted
text: with each address we've aggregated
text: the tables overflowing
text: the traffic just stopped flowing...
text: And now we're bearing all the scars
text: and all my traceroutes showing stars.
text: The packets would travel faster in cars
text: the day the routers died.
[... continued ...]

BFD between IOSXE and IOS XR

I don’t really easily documentary to configure BFD (RFC5880 and you could read precedent blog-post : BFD : Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (RFC5880)) between IOSXE and IOSXR boxes.

Here it comes 🙂



R0# show run | sec bfd 
bfd fast-timers-on-slow-interface
bfd-template single-hop BFD
   interval min-tx 200 min-rx 200 multiplier 3
R0#show run int port-ch 14
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 373 bytes
interface Port-channel14
description *** Vers R1_Be10000 ***
mtu 9202
ip address
ip ospf authentication message-digest
ip ospf message-digest-key 10 md5 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
ip ospf network point-to-point
ip ospf bfd
ip ospf cost 20000
no negotiation auto
mpls ip
port-channel bfd destination ipv4 BFD



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:R1#show conf run int be10000
Tue Feb 14 14:49:35.026 CET
interface Bundle-Ether10000
description *** Vers R0_Po14 *** 
bfd mode ietf
bfd address-family ipv4 multiplier 3
bfd address-family ipv4 destination
bfd address-family ipv4 fast-detect
bfd address-family ipv4 minimum-interval 200
mtu 9216
ipv4 address


[FR] — Parce qu’on a tjs des bonnes intentions en dĂ©but d’annĂ©e…

J’ai eu de bonnes intentions en dĂ©but d’annĂ©es de produire du contenu en Français sur diffĂ©rents sujets rĂ©seaux et tĂ©lĂ©coms de niveau basiques, mais j’avoue que cela s’est vite arrĂŞtĂ©.

Le but Ă©tait de fournir tout en un :

  • Video explicative ;
  • Une fiche d’Ă©tude rapide au format cheatsheet ;
  • Un guide de travail ;
  • Un accès Ă  un lab guidĂ©

Bon j’avoue cela prend Ă©normĂ©ment de temps et d’autres projets personnels sont venus s’intercalĂ©s.

Bref autant partagĂ© ce qu’il en reste et amusez-vous bien :

Soyez pas trop durs …

L’accès Ă  la partie Lab est bien Ă©videmment depuis pĂ©rimĂ© (on peut donner des durĂ©es d’utilisation avec pnetlab :)).

A plus,


xrv9k-full, qemu, AMD Ryzen

If as me you have EVE-NG (2.0.3) and lab some Cisco XRV9K-Full on a virtualized box running AMD Ryzen processor, you have probably encountered problem to start the image. After reading lot of website, it seems the answer is change the command line.

My original command line is :

-enable-kvm -smbios type=1,manufacturer="cisco",product=\"Cisco IOS XRv 9000\",uuid=[...] -cpu host

I correct to :

-enable-kvm -smbios type=1,manufacturer="cisco",product="Cisco IOS XRv 9000",uuid=[...] -cpu qemu64,+ssse3,+sse4.1,+sse4.2

IOS, IOS XE and configure … revert timer X

If you are familiar with IOS XR and JunOS, it lacks a rollback to IOS and IOS XE. You can do it with “archive” such as :

  1. Configure where your archive will be stored.
  2. Say to your OS to “archive” at a point
  3. Configure your router with a “revert timer”
  4. Confirm if it is ok for you

Here we go in details now :

  1. Configure where your archive will be stored.
Router# conf t
Router(conf)# archive
Router(conf-archive)# path bootflash:myconfig
Router(conf-archive)# maximum 10
Router(conf-archive)# end
Router# wr

2. Say to your OS to “archive” at a point

Router# archive config 
Router# show archive
The maximum archive configurations allowed is 10.
There are currently 1 archive configurations saved.
The next archive file will be named bootflash:myconfig-<timestamp>-1
 Archive #  Name
   1        bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-34-34.348-CET-0 <- Most Recent

3. Configure your router with a “revert timer”

Router# configure terminal revert timer 1
Router(conf)# Rollback Confirmed Change: Backing up current running config to bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-35-01.511-CET-1

Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#Rollback Confirmed Change: Rollback will begin in one minute.
Enter "configure confirm" if you wish to keep what you've configured

*Jan  3 2022 08:35:01.670 CET: %ARCHIVE_DIFF-5-ROLLBK_CNFMD_CHG_BACKUP: Backing up current running config to bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-35-01.511-CET-1
*Jan  3 2022 08:35:01.670 CET: %ARCHIVE_DIFF-5-ROLLBK_CNFMD_CHG_START_ABSTIMER: User: console(Priv: 15, View: 0): Scheduled to rollback to config bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-35-01.511-CET-1 in 1 minutes
*Jan  3 2022 08:35:01.670 CET: %ARCHIVE_DIFF-5-ROLLBK_CNFMD_CHG_WARNING_ABSTIMER: System will rollback to config bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-35-01.511-CET-1 in one minute. Enter "configure confirm" if you wish to keep what you've configured
Router(conf)# hostname BLAH
[................... WAITING FOR A MINUTE ........................]
Rollback Confirmed Change: rolling to:bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-35-01.511-CET-1

!Pass 1
!List of Rollback Commands:
no hostname BLAH
hostname Router

Total number of passes: 1
Rollback Done

*Jan  3 2022 08:36:01.669 CET: %ARCHIVE_DIFF-5-ROLLBK_CNFMD_CHG_ROLLBACK_START: Start rolling to: bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-35-01.511-CET-1
*Jan  3 07:36:01.722: Rollback:Acquired Configuration lock.

Router(conf) # end

4. Confirm if it is ok for you

If between your “conf t revert time X” and t0+X, you are ok with the configuration you have made, so you can confirm your changes.

Router# configure confirm

That’s it ! Have fun.

FRR Routing v8.0 is out and happy to see SR


For (perhaps) futur projet I read different documentations around Bird, FRR Routing, … and I am really happy to see in FRR Routing v8.0 the new ‘pathd‘ daemon, which implement SR (Segment Routing). It is really cool to see this.

There is others new feature which have been implemented in this release and are major IMHO.

  • TI-LFA for OSPF and IS-IS (great too for SR) ;
  • VRF for OSPFv3 ;
  • EVPN full-implementation.

It is really great work !!!

More information there :

See you soon 🙂