IP SLA is a great tool to automation some treatment. You could do great things with it. We will work on IP SLA Reaction here.

What is it ? You could launch some action on some state of an IP SLA. Such as (Even if it is not a good example) : some nested ping.









The job here, is to check R4 – R3 and R4 – R2 if IP SLA beetween R1 – R4 is awful.

We could do this such as :
R4 :

ip sla 1
 udp-jitter 3200 source-ip source-port 6565 codec g711ulaw codec-size 128
 frequency 5
ip sla schedule 1 start now life forever 

ip sla 43 
 icmp-echo source-ip
 frequency 5
ip sla schedule 43 start pending life 60

ip sla 42 
 icmp-echo source-ip
 frequency 5
ip sla schedule 42 start pending life 60

ip sla reaction-trigger 1 43
ip sla reaction-trigger 43 42
ip sla reaction-configuration 1 react MOS threshold-type consecutive 4 threshold-value 390 220 action-type trapAndTrigger
ip sla reaction-configuration 43 react rtt threshold-value 100 50 threshold-type immediate action-type trapAndTrigger
ip sla reaction-configuration 42 react rtt threshold-value 100 50 threshold-type immediate action-type trapOnly

snmp-server host
snmp-server enable traps syslog

We do an analyze on each segment of path and if it fails on our condition, it traps it.

Obvisouly on R1 :

ip sla responder
IP SLA operation

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