If you are familiar with IOS XR and JunOS, it lacks a rollback to IOS and IOS XE. You can do it with “archive” such as :
- Configure where your archive will be stored.
- Say to your OS to “archive” at a point
- Configure your router with a “revert timer”
- Confirm if it is ok for you
Here we go in details now :
- Configure where your archive will be stored.
Router# conf t Router(conf)# archive Router(conf-archive)# path bootflash:myconfig Router(conf-archive)# maximum 10 Router(conf-archive)# end Router# wr
2. Say to your OS to “archive” at a point
Router# archive config Router# Router# show archive The maximum archive configurations allowed is 10. There are currently 1 archive configurations saved. The next archive file will be named bootflash:myconfig-<timestamp>-1 Archive # Name 1 bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-34-34.348-CET-0 <- Most Recent 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Router#
3. Configure your router with a “revert timer”
Router# configure terminal revert timer 1 Router(conf)# Rollback Confirmed Change: Backing up current running config to bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-35-01.511-CET-1 Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#Rollback Confirmed Change: Rollback will begin in one minute. Enter "configure confirm" if you wish to keep what you've configured *Jan 3 2022 08:35:01.670 CET: %ARCHIVE_DIFF-5-ROLLBK_CNFMD_CHG_BACKUP: Backing up current running config to bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-35-01.511-CET-1 *Jan 3 2022 08:35:01.670 CET: %ARCHIVE_DIFF-5-ROLLBK_CNFMD_CHG_START_ABSTIMER: User: console(Priv: 15, View: 0): Scheduled to rollback to config bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-35-01.511-CET-1 in 1 minutes *Jan 3 2022 08:35:01.670 CET: %ARCHIVE_DIFF-5-ROLLBK_CNFMD_CHG_WARNING_ABSTIMER: System will rollback to config bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-35-01.511-CET-1 in one minute. Enter "configure confirm" if you wish to keep what you've configured Router(conf)# hostname BLAH BLAH(conf)# [................... WAITING FOR A MINUTE ........................] Rollback Confirmed Change: rolling to:bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-35-01.511-CET-1 !Pass 1 !List of Rollback Commands: no hostname BLAH hostname Router end Total number of passes: 1 Rollback Done *Jan 3 2022 08:36:01.669 CET: %ARCHIVE_DIFF-5-ROLLBK_CNFMD_CHG_ROLLBACK_START: Start rolling to: bootflash:myconfig-Jan--3-2022-08-35-01.511-CET-1 *Jan 3 07:36:01.722: Rollback:Acquired Configuration lock. Router(conf) # end
4. Confirm if it is ok for you
If between your “conf t revert time X” and t0+X, you are ok with the configuration you have made, so you can confirm your changes.
Router# configure confirm
That’s it ! Have fun.
IOS, IOS XE and configure … revert timer X