I bought refurbished MacBook Pro mid-2010. It is a good machine. I think it will be great for a CCIE dedicated laptop 🙂 I have begun to make a wireless link to the place where my lab will be hosted.
Really slow bgp convergence !?
When your router takes so long time to learn routes, do not try to tweak too long Time your bgp router process… Think mtu 😉 it is not unique solution but it is big one 😉
the first of my equipment rack
Here come the first equipements of my future CCIE lab rack. Two nice Cisco 2501 🙂
install IOS from tarball
How to install IOS from tarball ? No need to extract it by means of 7zip or UNIX tar command : Router# archive tar /xtract tftp://X.X.X.X/cme-full- flash: This command is your friend 🙂
Little challenge : MPLS and Frame-Relay
You can find a little challenge below : The MPLS is not working… There’s no problem on the Frame-Relay cloud (it works perfectly). But you cannot ping from R5 to R4 🙁 R4.cfg R5.cfg R6.cfg Troubleshoot it. It is not
IPSec and packet loss
For those of you which configuring IPSec and have packet loss in transit… Perhaps this configuration could help : crypto ipsec client ezvpn REGISBTP connect auto group VPN-CLIENT2 key jsdfxkqwpoe local-address FastEthernet0 mode network-extension peer username ipsec1@client2.vpn password jsdfxkqwpoe
FreeRadius and same multiple attribute
Hello, I don’t know if you already have had to reply with multiple same type of attributes (with FreeRadius) such as multiple : “Frame-Route”. You can do this with the operator ‘+=’ (when you use FreeRadius with MySQL backend). Hope
ASN 4 bytes : How to calculate and configure it …
To begin : How to calculate the ASN 4 bytes we need to configure it ? So : ASN-decimal = 197632. 197632 % 65536 = 3 And 197632 – (65536 * 3) = 1024 Ok. Now we can configure it
A little cisco stuff page for french guys
http://pteu.hd.free.fr/doku.php?id=informatique:cisco:mpls Hope this can help. There are others categories and lot of stuff to read.
Little little challenge
How to configure a password such as (below) on the Cisco device ? “mon?password” Yes it is possible …