$ whois -h whois.ripe.net POEM-RIPE55-SONG […] % Information related to ‘POEM-RIPE55-SONG’ poem: POEM-RIPE55-SONG form: FORM-PROSE descr: At his first RIPE meeting, Gary wrote this and performed at descr: the closing plenary. It was truly awesome. descr: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y36fG2Oba0 descr: text: A
Je dis aime, la haine je la jette… Bonne écoute Daesh ;)
Sorry, but this time it will be a french article. Ce qu’il faut que la France reste : Amour ; Diversité culturelle ; Fête ; Liberté !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; Laïcité ; Passions et liberté de les exprimer par toutes les manières
tested and approved !
Tested for real and it is really working. It is really simple. It is this time my son found funny and to say his first word : “Daddy!” I am really proud of it.
DF bit for dummies
Finally a good explanation of what DF bit does 😉 Thanks to ipspace, it makes me smile 🙂
Challenge OSPF / BGP
Just to give you a new challenge. It is supplied by IPexpert. The URL is : http://blog.ipexpert.com/2012/01/04/ospf-and-bgp-puzzle/ Have fun with this new challenge. For real, it is not really hard 😉
Cisco Aspire Beta 4
I don't if you know this game. It is a little game, 'Cisco Computer/network' game. It find it really fun. You can see an enclosed view of the game :
How do you explain Internet/BGP/ASN to your non-IT friends ?
It is not really easy to explain BGP/ASN concepts to a non-friendly-IT friend. I am really interested in how you explain this. Just to know. I am really curious. Do you use an analogy ? Which ? Do you go
Welcome to iRobot 564 Pet !!
This is a new friend in the house : Roomba 564 Pet. This is an autonomous robot, who will do our housework without pain. Ok, you will tell me that we are lazy to make this kind of housework. I will
Do you believe this ?
Do you believe she already use Linux ? No, but I will pray/evangelist her when the time will come.
EasyGallerie revisitée pour pluxml
J'ai mis en place cette version d'EasyGallerie pour pluxml afin de publier quelques photos. Si vous voulez faire la même chose, je vous conseille cette page web pour mettre en place ce plusgins : http://www.mypluxml.com/article10/easygallery-revisite Bonne continuation 😉