It is been a while I check forums and Ubiquiti products. They are really good products. At the beginning the really interesting thing in ubiquiti was the Open minded / Open Source direction they used. I begun to use their
Tip Mysql : Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
For those of you who are faced to this type of error, the command “SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS;” is your friend. […] ———————— LATEST FOREIGN KEY ERROR ———————— 130322 12:03:42 Cannot drop table `test`.`events` because it is referenced by `test`.`attachments`
‘netcat’ : my best friend :)
For those of you who read this unpretentious blog, you must have noticed this week-end a maintenance window. The DD of my hosting has crashed. To be more precise, it is crashing. His time to live is near to expire…
Dennis Ritchie : RIP
As lot of people on twitter : /* For Dennis Ritchie */ #include <stdio.h> void main ( ) { printf("Good bye World n"); printf("RIP Denis Ritchie"); } Thank you for UNIX, thank you for C programming language ! Thank you
Diablo3 beta
I am not really as we can say a gamer. I don’t have any PS2, PS3, Xbox or whatever. But, I have really liked Diablos series. I have ended these two last games. For those of you, that like and
GCM : Gnome Connection Manager
If you are a SecureCRT Manager or putty CM user, I think GCM (Gnome Connection Manager) (which run under Linux) is for you. => Update: You can use pacmanager too :
Trafic generator
For those of you who search for a good trafic generator, I recommend you : Mausezahn aka ‘mz’. It is built-in in good linux distro. The website is : The command line documentation : here The interactive mode :
Extjs : How to ‘real’ clear a cookie
If you are in extjs application designing and coding, you might need to use use ‘Ext.util.Cookies.*’ function. You can : Ext.util.Cookies.get(‘my_cookie’) : get cookie value Ext.util.Cookies.get(‘my_cookie’, ‘cookie_value’) : set cookie value Ext.util.Cookies.clear(‘my_cookie’) : clear cookie In theory you can delete
For fun : ‘ena’ C program
I think it has been really often done in the past, but for fun : For those of you whom use a lot of xterm, I think it have happen you mistake tape an ‘ena’ command in your sh friend
Ext.js : one simple tip
I am a network engineer, but in a small company you are able to do lot of things. I am in charge (in same time as network job) to developp second generation of customer managment tool. I have choiced to