Hey girls and guys, A little post to give you some news about my fails and tries with FreeBSD. I have had tried to install a little FreeBSD-13, xrdp and Lumina-desktop on my proxmox to test. As done for other
Ready for GreenDay… but for 2022
Japoneese food : a long long time ago (and RIPE-55)
It was a long long time ago, family eat japoneese food. So great 🙂 And as this title make me think about : “A long long time agoI can still rememberwhen my laptop could connect elsewhere. …” https://www.justsomelyrics.com/928229/ripe-55-the-day-the-routers-died-lyrics.html
Holidays : La Plagne 2021
Back from holidays 🙂 It has been really pleasant, but it is also great to come back at home. Some pictures : Photos.
Can’t wait to live this again. Hella Mega Tour…
GreenDay tour is on the way (Hella Mega tour). Hope to see you there in Paris in June 2022, feel free to join me, you know me twitter account 🙂
FRR Routing v8.0 is out and happy to see SR
Hey, For (perhaps) futur projet I read different documentations around Bird, FRR Routing, … and I am really happy to see in FRR Routing v8.0 the new ‘pathd‘ daemon, which implement SR (Segment Routing). It is really cool to see
NextCloud and Memcached-APCu
For those of you which update your personal cloud to the lastest stable version of Nextcloud due to CVE (https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/avis/CERTFR-2021-AVI-543/), you could encountered this error : An unhandled exception has been thrown: OC\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local
FreeBSD and fail2ban
Hey, To go on configuring my FreeBSD server, I install my traditionnal package : “fail2ban”. By the way with Linux distro, apt install fail2ban is enough. Not now 😀 You must add : root@pluton:/usr/local/etc/fail2ban/jail.d# cat ssh-ipfw.local [ssh-ipfw] enabled = true
Blog, bsd, apache2, certbot and fun
It was long time ago I used a FreeBSD system. I was really impressed by the way it great evolved. It is easy to add package due to “pkg” tool and “portsnap”. After : pkg install apache24 mysql57-server mod_php73 php73-mysqli
Long long time ago, blog and FreeBSD…
It was a long long timeago I wrote here. ot of things happens to me but I don’t think it is the time and place to explain it. This post is about a new experience to me : hosting this