FRR Routing v8.0 is out and happy to see SR


For (perhaps) futur projet I read different documentations around Bird, FRR Routing, … and I am really happy to see in FRR Routing v8.0 the new ‘pathd‘ daemon, which implement SR (Segment Routing). It is really cool to see this.

There is others new feature which have been implemented in this release and are major IMHO.

  • TI-LFA for OSPF and IS-IS (great too for SR) ;
  • VRF for OSPFv3 ;
  • EVPN full-implementation.

It is really great work !!!

More information there :

See you soon 🙂

NextCloud and Memcached-APCu

For those of you which update your personal cloud to the lastest stable version of Nextcloud due to CVE (, you could encountered this error :

An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OC\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module installed and enabled?)

You could solve the issue :

echo 'apc.enable_cli=1' >> /etc/php/7.x/mods-available/apcu.ini

Have fun.

FreeBSD and fail2ban


To go on configuring my FreeBSD server, I install my traditionnal package : “fail2ban”. By the way with Linux distro, apt install fail2ban is enough.

Not now 😀

You must add :

root@pluton:/usr/local/etc/fail2ban/jail.d# cat ssh-ipfw.local 
enabled = true
filter = sshd
action = ipfw[name=SSH, port=ssh, protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/auth.log
findtime = 600
maxretry = 3
bantime = 3600

And edit action file so that “localhost” is your public IP :

root@pluton:/usr/local/etc/fail2ban/action.d# cat ipfw.conf 
# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Author: Nick Munger
# Modified by: Cyril Jaquier
# Option:  localhost
# Notes.:  the local IP address of the network interface
# Values:  IP

# Option:  blocktype
# Notes.:  How to block the traffic. Use a action from man 5 ipfw
#          Common values: deny, unreach port, reset
# Values:  STRING
blocktype = unreach port

Blog, bsd, apache2, certbot and fun

It was long time ago I used a FreeBSD system. I was really impressed by the way it great evolved. It is easy to add package due to “pkg” tool and “portsnap”.

After :

pkg install apache24 mysql57-server mod_php73 php73-mysqli php73-xml php73-hash php73-gd php73-curl php73-tokenizer php73-zlib php73-zip

I have a really fast install of an HTTP server as I can do with “apt-get”.

I have needed to load some modules by editiing /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf such as : 

LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache24/
LoadModule php7_module libexec/apache24/
LoadModule ssl_module libexec/apache24/

Some more work width certbot for Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate :

root@ns326804:/usr/ports/security/py-certbot # make install clean
root@ns326804:/usr/ports/security/py-certbot-apache # make install clean
root@ns326804:/usr/ports/security/py-certbot # rehash

I can now install my SSL certificates with :

certbot --apache -d
certbot install --cert-name
certbot install --cert-name

I have moved my SQL data to my fresh FreeBSD install and try yo access my blog (it is using wordpress)… It was a FAIL. It lacks some PHP module : 

pkg install php73-json php73-filter php73-ctype

It was some tips. I have not listed all the tasks I have done but only the one I think which can give you some information. By the way I was really pleased to move some of my contents on this fresh-installed FreeBSD server. Lot of fun to do this.

And Voilà you can read this blog’s post now 🙂

July 15, 2021 01:35pm :

Update : Don’t forget to add AllowOverride on your data directory so that mod_rewrite can do his job correctly such as :

    <Directory "/usr/local/www/apache24/data/">
        AllowOverride All

Long long time ago, blog and FreeBSD…

It was a long long timeago I wrote here. ot of things happens to me but I don’t think it is the time and place to explain it.

This post is about a new experience to me : hosting this blog on FreeBSD machine. I am in love with BSD but don’t use it everyday. Networking&Telco is not an professional area where you can use it or your employer allow you to use it. Damn Windows, Teams, … and his egemony.

I will move this blog from Debian to FreeBSD server. I think it will lot of fun. If I have FreeBSD’s tips or remarks I will post it here. By the way I am currently studying for Cisco’s CCNP SPCOR (350-501) exam. Either I will try to give me a kick in the ass to post more technical posts.

Have fun 🙂